Creating Authentic Digital Connections

Do you ever wonder why LinkedIn decided to show a (+) symbol after your 500th connection? Does that 501 person simply not matter as much? This approach goes against the manner in which influencers are valued in the digital economy, and may seem counterintuitive for a networking site whose premise would appear to be β€œthe larger your network, the better.” 

While I am unaware of an official LinkedIn statement on the selection of 500 as the line in the sand, it stands to reason that perhaps by hiding numbers above 500, LinkedIn seeks to encourage its members to focus less on the actual number of individuals, and more on who those individuals are. Quality, not quantity (to a degree).

So how do you focus on quality contacts? How do we create authentic digital connections? Simply put, be yourself. 

In analyzing my own LinkedIn data, I noticed two things. First, the posts in which I discuss my experiences as a gay man in the professional world have a very different tone than the rest of my shared content. Second, these posts inevitably get the most reactions. It seems that speaking about experiences that stem from the core of who I am strikes a chord with my followers.

The personal lens through which the content is viewed and shared also serves another purpose. It shows others that they are not alone in their experiences, and that there is a world where those experiences are a source of strength and pride. Bringing your authentic self to digital channels is the only way to overcome the barriers that technology has created. Our society is increasingly reliant on digital technology, but digital connections are not natural and arguably go against the social contract with which we evolved over millennia. As such, when we engage over digital channels we risk losing true human connection.  

In addition to being authentic, you must also be deliberate. In my work with Fortune 100 retailers we often talk about brand value and brand identity. The same principles that apply to how companies market themselves apply to creating authentic digital connections. What are the messages you are trying to reinforce across your digital conversations? What are you trying to convince the world to do differently? 

Finally, you should look to provide value. While the increased visibility on LGBTQ+ issues is an extremely important part of the fight-for-equality flywheel, the most impactful way to create authentic digital connections is to help someone else. Our community is strongest when we band together for change, and we can also band together for success.


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