Our Team

  • David Knapp

    David delivers explosive revenue growth as an award winning marketing leader and entrepreneur.

    He is committed to increasing representation of LGBTQ+ professionals in the C-Suite. David’s initial, heartbreaking introduction to the community was two gay men speaking at a high school assembly about their experience dying of AIDS. David is determined to create an alternate destiny so that the next generation can imagine limitless possibilities.

  • Aanish Panjabi

    Aanish is a performance marketer who builds businesses with a strategic vision, and a culture focused on innovation.

    He has seen rapid change in the US in the last two decades giving rise to the first generation of immigrant, and LGBTQ+ professionals to C-suite designations. Aanish is excited to democratize their role model behaviors for the next generation of professionals.

  • Julio Lopez

    Julio is a digital marketing leader whose career has focused on pursuing innovation and challenging the status quo at mid- to late-stage startups.

    As the product of a conservative, immigrant household, he has experienced the challenges that occur at the intersectionality of racial minority and LGBTQ+ identity, which he found to be more pronounced in professional settings. As such, he seeks to empower others who have (or will) experience similar journeys.